
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 04:13:15

Mother says," Remember: No person in the world deserves your tears, and the one who deserves them will never make you cry. "

His mother said : to bear in mind that in this world there is no one who deserves your tears for her, The only allow you to cry for her person, it will never let you cry!

Mother said that, Must remember that, a person has not been worth youin this world crying for her, is only worth letting you that personwhich cries for her, forever all cannot let you cry.

Mom said, "there is no one in the world deserve your crying over him/her. The only one worth crying is the one who would never make you cry.

Never cry for anyone cause one won't make you cry if he's the guy.Mother said.

Mom said that there is on one in the world worthy of your tears, that the only one out there will never make you cry.